So it's been almost 4 months since my last post. I haven't really tried any new styles, Why? you ask? Well I haven't really been feeling this twa. I did not know how or what to do with it. My Sister Nikki has been rockin' her's with nubian pride! But I just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't going back to perms but wanted something different. So I thought I would flat iron it. So I did and I actually liked it. I felt like I had a perm. So then on Mother's Day my little sister had these little knots (in her hair lol) at the top of her head then a half wig on. She mentioned that when she takes them down, they make these little cute spiral like curls. So I said "hmmm I wonder can I do that while I have my hair straightened". Now yall know I'm still new at this, I went online and found out they are actually called bantu knots, (a little slow I know) But I said this is going to soo cute and easy. So this afternoon I bantuuud it up (I know I just made a word). I think I will leave it up for about 3 days and take it down. But I WILL NOT be walking around with these little knots on my head lol. Some can do it but in the meantime I got a nice half wig that I can rock until reveal time. Coming soon to a blog near you lol. Check me out in about 3 days. Or 2.

I used Shea Moisture organic coconut & hibiscus Curl Enhancing smoothie. Thanks to my sister Nikki who is always finding new products. I also used olive oil from my kitchen. Lets hope this works.